- Please allow 2 to 4 weeks in advance of booking all services. There may be times when a reading or healing session may be scheduled within the week of you reaching out due to cancellations, please inquire.
- All appointments are scheduled in Eastern Time. (EST/EDT).
- Please allow at least 24hrs notice if you need to reschedule an appointment.
- If you do not cancel or show up to your appointment, payment will still be required for the allotted time.
- Requesting services to be brought to you may incur a travel fee.
- Payment is required 24 hours before services are received. Once payment is received you will be added to the schedule.
- Cancellations are rescheduled and not refunded.
- Tarot, group mediumship and healing parties are available at a reduced rate with a four head minimum.
Intuitive Readings & Mediumship
60 min $110
45 min $90
30 min $65
Danielle will meet with you and discuss what is important for you to know at that time and address the questions you have prepared. She will communicate with your guides and ancestors while using tarot cards and stones and bones to assist her in sensing and understanding the information received. Danielle may also connect with any loved ones, that have passed over and relay messages to you, bringing you important information from them. She will translate what she sees, repeat what she hears from spirit and relay how she feels regarding what comes through your reading.
Danielle conducts her readings for you via email. She spends the allotted time requested working on your reading and will welcome questions at the beginning and end of the reading. She will only answer follow-up questions that pertains to current email reading.
A single question reading is also available for a quick answer to a specific question. Danielle will deliver the single question reading through a text message, social media app, or email. Single questions readings are $30.
Danielle will meet with you and discuss what is important for you to know at that time and address the questions you have prepared. She will communicate with your guides and ancestors while using tarot cards and stones and bones to assist her in sensing and understanding the information received. Danielle may also connect with any loved ones, that have passed over and relay messages to you, bringing you important information from them. She will translate what she sees, repeat what she hears from spirit and relay how she feels regarding what comes through your reading.
Danielle conducts her readings for you via email. She spends the allotted time requested working on your reading and will welcome questions at the beginning and end of the reading. She will only answer follow-up questions that pertains to current email reading.
A single question reading is also available for a quick answer to a specific question. Danielle will deliver the single question reading through a text message, social media app, or email. Single questions readings are $30.
Yearly Forecast Reading $70
An email reading that will provide one card for each month over a twelve month period. This will include a description of events, opportunities, and new forward growth. Set-backs, interference or obstacles that may be present will also be included. The reading will cover twelve months regardless of the month you purchase your reading.
An email reading that will provide one card for each month over a twelve month period. This will include a description of events, opportunities, and new forward growth. Set-backs, interference or obstacles that may be present will also be included. The reading will cover twelve months regardless of the month you purchase your reading.
Shamanic Healing Services
Shamanic Healing in person session
60 min $90
45 min $65
30 min $50
A fifty to sixty minute shamanic healing session aligning your chakras, purifying your aura, replenishing lost energies, removing any blocks or attachments and balancing your mind, body and spirit. Danielle's guides work to escort her through the steps of the healing, personalized to your specific needs. She shifts her consciousness (journey’s) during your healing to gain a clear sense of your energy. She removes, cleanses or shifts existing energies, harnessing the universal life force (Reiki), the energy of stones, crystals, nuts, seeds and plants, as well as the symbols of the Elder Futhark runes. These sessions can not only revive or replenish your mind, body and spirit, but also encourage a flow of bliss, success, security, love, compassion, confidence and divinity into your life. Danielle may receive helpful information about you and your life, and will focus on healing the issues that arise, while presenting these insights to you at the end of the session.
Remote Shamanic Healing
60 min $90
45 min $65
30 min $50
This is the same as the regular Energy Healing (above) only you are not required to be present. Energy is omnipresent, therefore, Danielle can connect with your spirit (energy or aura) regardless of the distance. You will need to set aside sixty minutes to rest in a comfortable position in a quite place for the duration of the healing. Danielle will email you twenty to thirty minutes prior to your session to ensure that you are prepared, and again post-session to explain and discuss your healing.
Reading & Healing $180
Combination Offer
Danielle will provide you with a sixty minute intuitive reading. She will address any concerns or questions you have within the time limit before your energy healing, cleansing you of any negative energy and balancing your vibration. See above for full details of each service.
Other Services Offered
Classes/Training $50/hr
Danielle provides many different public and private classes on Tarot, Opening your Intuition, How to Communicate with your Good Spirits and Guides with Confidence, Shamanism and Healing Techniques. Please contact Danielle to learn about the private classes that are offered. Classes may be scheduled for 1 hour or 2 hour sessions. Ongoing classes are always available.
Sacred Space Design $120/hr
Helping you to create sacred spaces in your home or for devotional altars, ancestor altars and ritual work areas. Using her Interior Design degree, the principles of Feng Shui, color therapy and knowledge of altar building for veneration and ritual work, Danielle will transform your space to create balance and harmony in your home, allowing an abundance in wealth, health and happiness. For spirit altars Danielle will guide you with the tools you will need, where to place the altar and what to do for your altar rituals.
House Cleansing $120/hr
Danielle will use her skills, tools and techniques to cleanse the negative energy in your personal space and relieve any negative energy, blocks or unwanted entities. Danielle will work to bring light into your environment and create a balanced, harmonious and thriving space for you to flourish in.